5 Fun Dog Tricks to Help Bond with Your Dog!

Our dogs love us and want to be with us. Then why not go for something that will get your dog thinking and having fun with you? The most important thing in this aspect is making dogs perform tricks that are catchy for us and adorable for our lovely pups. With such tricks, they become more cheerful and active and their love for us increases. These tricks also help keep your dog healthy.

Coming up are some of the tricks which you can use to make your dog feel joyful:

Spin & Twist

This trick is actually going to make your dog spin and twist.

Want to know how, then follow these steps:

  • Use a treat for your dog, take your dog’s nose to the rear, and put him in a circle.
  • You can also twist your dog by putting him in the direction opposite to the one you used when you made it spin.
  • Some dogs are nervous to perform this at the start. For this, we need to tap into their intelligence button to help them understand that they have to spin when you say “SPIN.” So, when you are training them to spin, say the word “SPIN” so they may perform this trick next time even before you make them do this with a treat in your hand.
  • One more important tip, is that you have to you can start with a half circle and not a full circle because some dogs do not like to turn all the way around their body at first.


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Anotherfun trick can help you middle your dog between your legs. It is a pretty cool trick as this can help you keep your dog stay near you when you take it in crowds. This trick helps you easily collect your dog between your legs.

The following steps will help in this course:

  • Use a treat and lure your dog between your front legs. This will make your dog move from the backside to the front side of your legs.
  • For some dogs this can be done by using the treat, throwing it a bit backwards and then after your dog collects the treat, use another treat to move him through your legs.

This trick not only helps keep your dog close to you but is a gate opener for several other tricks as well.

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Figure 8

An interesting trick is making the figure eight (8). This trick is not only great for freestyle but also is an exercise for canine fitness. 

How to perform this?

Let us find out:

  • In this trick, you have to use treats in both hands.
  • Firstly, you will use a treat in your first hand and lure the dog with it by moving him from the front side towards the backside, then through the middle of your legs, and finally again towards the front side from the backside. This will complete half of figure eight.
  • Next, you will use the second treat and make the dog do the very same around your second leg.

During this, the stretch you will make while moving your dog through your legs is the exercise mentioned earlier.

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Roll Over

You can actually teach roll over to your dog. 

Let us find out how:

  • To perform this (a bit complex trick) first you need to make your dog lie down.
  • After that move, your hand to its mouth and slowly move your hand towards its shoulders.
  • The trick is to make your dog roll over by making it sit on one hip and then on the other.
  • When your hand moves towards its shoulder, it will move its position down to one hip.
  • Once it is on one hip move your hand to the other side of the body, this will make it move to the other hip.
  • Now move your hand all the way and your dog will roll over.

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This trick will make your dog perch. You can use a pillow, a rubber feed bowl, a bed etc, to make your dog perch.

You need to follow the following guidelines to perform this perch technique:

Take a treat in your hand.

Put a rubber feed bowl and lure your dog towards that bowl using that treat.

When your hand reaches the bowl, make sure you move the hand a bit high. 

This will make your dog put its paws on the bowl.

After this reward, the dog with that treat for performing such a lovely act.

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Final thoughts

Our pets are like family to us. We care for our family. We take them to our house as family members. So, we have to take care of all their needs and along with that, we have to share our time with them.

The best possible way of doing this is by playing with them. For this, we can teach them some tricks. These tricks are not only cute acts but are loved by everyone. More importantly, dogs love to perform such acts as they understand these acts keep them close to us. They see the smiles on our face and even some dogs like to hear your friends cheering for them.

Like every family member, if you befriend your dog, it will bring joy to your life. The exceedingly small and beautiful acts it performs can sometimes be enough to counter the whole day’s stress you had.

So, it is especially important to train your dog in some tricks. Not only this will bring joy to your life, but this will also make you come close to a particularly important family member……… YOUR DOG!

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